Westgate Framework

Activating a Community in Beaverton

The Westgate Framework is our plan to transform a 34 acre site north of Beaverton’s historic downtown into a pedestrian-centered, transit-connected neighborhood. We combined public transit-oriented development (TOD) design with principles of placemaking, walkability, and wayfinding to create a distinct mixed-use community. Aligned with the MAX light rail, Westgate strengthens the area transit connections and adds to the vitality of the nearby Beaverton Round with housing, employment opportunities, and shopping amenities.

Beaverton, Oregon
  • 34 acres sq. ft.
  • Completed in 2022

Planning: Mariah Kiersey


Planning Story

Connecting Creekside

The Westgate Framework offers the City of Beaverton a balanced strategy to expand and transform a vacant lot into a vibrant, walkable neighborhood. Our plan for the largest site in the Creekside District plans for success over time by responding to the surrounding urban form, natural landscape, and the nearby Beaverton Central Station MAX light rail station. We began with a primary goal to create a pedestrian-oriented environment. First, we consolidated parking away from the public realm and outlined a network of walkable and bikeable trails that extend and connect with surrounding paths. With art as a signature wayfinding system, the continuous network of paths unites the development and gives the community a distinct identity. Bike storage at the MAX station and bike repair shops will also support the culture of bike ridership. Communities are more resilient when they can see and access their natural landscape and open public spaces. A continuous greenway in along Beaverton Creek provides this visibility and connection to the district’s key ecological feature. Streets in the Westgate development are distributed according to their character and function, with major traffic routes placed around the district with spacious sidewalks, and calmer streets with limited traffic in the center. Public art and architecture will serve as character landmarks that signal the entry points that draw people in from the main streets. At the heart of the site is a strong “100% corner,” meaning active ground floors at all four corners of an intersection will provide direct physical and visual connection to the MAX station, and access to hotel, residential, office, and art center uses. The coordinated design of Westgate’s art, amenities, and transit aims to bring people in. Public realms, greenways, and interpretive trails (we hope) will bring them together.
